Modern Mobile Modular Living Office Sandwich Panel Portable Prefab Prefabricated Sandwich Panel House
2023-Jul-14 13:48:13
By Admin



In fast-growing Chinese cities like Shandong, the shortage of affordable housing has left many low-income residents and migrant workers struggling to find shelter. To address this need, Lida Group has created temporary prefabricated houses using sandwich panel construction.

Lida Group‘s prefab houses consist of modular sandwich panels made from two metal sheets bonded to a lightweight insulating core. The sandwich panels are manufactured off-site and simply bolted together on location. This allows a complete house to be assembled in just days, compared to months for conventional buildings.

The key difference is that Lida Group’s prefab houses are designed to be dismantled and reconstructed elsewhere. The sandwich panels can be unbolted and transported to a new site, where they are quickly reassembled into a house again. This allows the same prefab structures to be reused multiple times, minimizing material waste.



Lida Group has built single-room units as well as multi-room houses ranging from 80 to 150 square meters. Each house can be customized with different interior layouts, colors and amenities to suit residents’ needs. But the ease of dismantling and reassembling the sandwich panel system remains the same.

The temporary and reusable nature of these prefab houses makes them well-suited for low-income residents who need affordable shelter quickly. For migrant workers following construction projects, the lightweight sandwich panel houses can easily be dismantled and relocated with minimal disruption.

Compared to traditional buildings, Lida Group’s prefab houses offer several benefits. The sandwich panel construction produces little on-site noise, dust and waste. The houses also cost around 30% less than conventional buildings due to the efficiency of prefabricated components.

However, the primary benefit is affordability. By reusing the same sandwich panel system multiple times, Lida Group can provide inexpensive shelter that competes with crowded dormitories and substandard housing. For those priced out of Shenzhen’s traditional property market, Lida Group’s prefab houses offer a viable alternative.



While still limited in scale, Lida Group’s approach points to the potential of temporary prefabricated housing solutions in China’s urban context. With further innovation, reusable modular systems could help address the nation’s severe shortage of affordable dwellings in sustainable ways.

In summary, Lida Group’s experiment shows how adapted construction technology could revitalize China’s affordable housing sector. The company’s temporary but customied prefab houses demonstrate how modular and reusable materials can meet the basic needs of low-income residents in rapidly urbanizing cities. As Chinese cities continue to grow, Lida Group’s approach provides a glimpse of what’s achievable through innovation in prefabrication, dismantled design and affordable construction methods.



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