Customized Prefabricated Engineered Steel Structure Workshop Warehouse Hangar Farm House Building
2023-Jul-13 13:56:51
By Admin



Lida Group specializes in constructing low cost yet durable steel structure buildings for residential and commercial uses. For the agriculture sector, the company offers multi-functional steel farm houses.

These farm houses are constructed using strong yet lightweight hollow rectangular steel sections that form the frame structure. Compared to traditional materials like wood, concrete and bricks, steel structures have many advantages that make them suitable for modern farmhouses.

First, steel structures are highly durable and long-lasting. Steel farmhouses can withstand harsh weather conditions and remain functional for decades with minimal maintenance. This significantly reduces the life cycle costs for farm owners.

Second, steel frame structures allow greater spans between columns, giving more usable space within the farm house. This flexibility in layout suits the operational needs of modern agricultural activities.



Third, steel structures are versatile and can be configured in different ways to incorporate various functions within a single integrated farm house. This functional design optimizes space utilization and work processes for farm owners.

Lida Group’s multi-functional steel farm houses integrate spaces for living, working, storage and operation under one roof.

Living spaces include bedrooms, kitchens, dining areas and sitting rooms to accommodate the farm owner’s family. Working spaces such as offices and workbenches are included for administration duties.

Storage areas for machinery, tools, supplies and produce are incorporated according to the specific farm needs. Operational spaces such as tractor garages, feed storage areas and equipment wash bays are integrated into the farm house design.



Mezzanine levels and roof gardens are also added to the steel structure to provide extra spaces based on requirements. For instance, mezzanines can be used as storage lofts while roof gardens serve as relaxation areas.

Lida Group’s experienced contractors ensure the steel frame farm houses are constructed properly according to the design specifications. Strict quality control processes involving steel material and welding inspections are carried out to guarantee structural integrity and safety.

Upon completion, a maintenance plan is recommended to the farm owners to preserve the structure and various facilities over the long lifespan of the steel frame farm house.

In summary, Lida Group’s multi-functional steel farm houses provide agricultural businesses with durable yet cost-effective infrastructure that optimizes their farm operations. The company leverages steel structure building technology and functional design solutions to realize integrated farm houses that improve the productivity and efficiency of agricultural activities.

Lida Group will continue exploring innovative yet practical applications of steel structure technology to enhance farm infrastructure and bring better facilities that help advance the modern agriculture industry.



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