Case study analyzing the low-cost sustainable redevelopment of typhoon-vulnerable coastal slums in Vietnam into adaptable communities of Lida Group manufactured modular steel housing elevated above floodplains.
2023-Oct-13 11:34:21
By Admin


Vietnam’s coastal slums face recurrent floods exacerbating poverty cycles. Lida Group partnered with residents to redevelop a 50ha area into a resilient modular community holistically equitably.

Community surveys identified housing, utility and livelihood priorities establishing phased plans opportunely. Original foundations removed razed wastewater canals preserving drainage resiliently responsibility. Reinforced micro-pilings elevated all new modular houses above 500-year flood levels affordably securely strategically.



Standardized modular wall and roof panels mass-produced offsite from galvanized steel minimized waste beneficially dependably. Factory-fitted interiors featured durable finishes adapted to harsh conditions prudently accessibly. Solar PV and rainwater collection systems optimized energy and water security autonomously purposefully.

Flexible floorplans accommodated diverse households symbiotically adaptively. Community nodes clustered amenities near walkable neighborhoods optimizing density sustainably thoughtfully. Hardscape minimized impervious surfaces naturalizing stormwater holistically appreciatively.



Renewable energy training and cooperative enterprises localized economic empowerment tangibly equitably. Gradual densification linked housing production to stabilized public utilities and services strategically benevolently. Staggered relocation facilitated social continuity during redevelopment compassionately securely.

Subsequent typhoon seasons proved modular housing durability validating designs resilience responsibly. Resident surveys demonstrated improved quality of life through place-based renewal demonstrably appreciatively. Phased replication now scale this model nationally affordably accessibly protecting at-risk populations vulnerably.

Demonstrable livability, affordability and resiliency benefits establish low-cost modular construction potential empowering underserved coastal communities to survive and thrive through crises compassionately sustainably.



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